Do you ever think solutions are too complicated, and everything’s moving too fast? Have you noticed that sometimes the high-tech products meant to make our lives easier are more of a chore to figure out and use?
Lift Assist Hinge UX: Ordering, Installing, & Operating
Topics: Applications
Topics: Motion Control, trends
Elevate Your Products with Vectis Customized Industrial Hinges
Despite the advent of electric motion controls, the relevance of mechanical motion control in today's technologically advanced world cannot be understated.
Topics: Motion Control, Design, Hinges, Vectis
Like so many other manufacturing technologies, counterbalance systems make life easier for the end customer. Matched with the right application, they can be a game-changer for user experience and safety.
Topics: Counterbalances, Applications, Motion Control
When the Rolling Stones said, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need,” we’re pretty sure they weren’t talking about hinges.
Topics: Design, Counterbalance, Counterbalance Hinge, Vectis
The global pandemic has prompted a significant shift in our priorities and perceptions, particularly when it comes to our living spaces. As people spent more time at home, a newfound appreciation for space optimization and efficiency emerged.
Topics: Motion Control, Design, Durability, hospitality, trends
6 Counterbalance Spring Hinge Design Details for Your Manufacturer
We manufacturers would love it if we could design your component first and have you build your product around it. Of course, that’s usually not possible -- you have certain specs you want to meet, and we understand our design has to fit those parameters.
Topics: Counterbalances, Design, Engineering, Vectis, Durability, standards & certifications
How to Build a Custom Spring Counterbalance Hinge With the Vectis App
Off-the-shelf solutions don’t fit every design. To improve user experience, resolve a safety issue, or stand out from competitors, everything you put into your product design should fit like a glove.
Topics: Counterbalances, Motion Control, Center of Gravity, Engineering, Vectis
Full-Service Manufacturing: More Than Mechanical Motion Control
There’s nothing like taking your idea to a full-service manufacturer and getting a complete solution, start to finish.
Topics: Motion Control, Design, Counterbalance Hinge, Engineering, Finishing, Durability, Aesthetics, Testing & Prototyping
Furnishing your office is a big decision. There are a lot of factors to consider, like your team's comfort and health, an appealing aesthetic, cost, and durability.
Topics: Ergonomics, Design, Durability, Aesthetics, Safety, standards & certifications, office equipment