Today “motion control” implies automation, robotics, and electronics. But you’d be amazed at what you can achieve when you combine old-fashioned mechanical engineering with a creativity-minded manufacturer.
VIDEOS: Motion Control Engineering Solutions for Complex Hinge Design
Topics: Counterbalances, Applications, Ergonomics, Motion Control, Design, Lid Support, Vectis, Durability, Safety, Food Industry, kitchen, hospitality, office equipment
The Ergonomic Furniture Your Office Needs for Happy, Healthy Workers
Topics: Ergonomics, Motion Control, office equipment
Labor Shortages: Why Office Ergonomics Has Never Been More Important
4 Reasons Why Office Ergonomics is Important
The Great Resignation has forever changed the workplace. It doesn’t matter if you’re hiring for an office environment, a healthcare setting, or a manufacturing floor, many employers are facing labor shortages. In fact, more than 40 percent of the workforce is weighing employment options.
Keeping employees happy and healthy may be more important than ever.
Topics: Ergonomics, Safety, office equipment
Keep this work from home ergonomics checklist in mind when transitioning into remote working:
Topics: Ergonomics, office equipment
5 Tips for Employee Health and Safety for Sitting at Work
Is standing at work healthier than sitting? Yes, but even employees with a sit-stand desk don’t want to be on their feet all day.
Topics: Ergonomics, Safety, office equipment
Where to Purchase Ergonomics Office Furniture: How to Find a Supplier
So you’ve read up on the benefits of ergonomic office products. You’ve heard rave reviews about the top ergonomic office chairs, ergonomic computer solutions (i.e. advanced keyboard mechanisms and adjustable monitor arms), and desktop components for training desks.
Topics: Applications, Ergonomics, Motion Control, Cost, office equipment
7 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Sit-Stand Desk
An eight-hour workday can make staying alert and fully focused a challenge for even the most invested employees. Standing desk ergonomics can go a long way toward improving focus over the course of the workday. It also puts you in a better mood, since your body releases endorphins while standing.
Topics: Ergonomics, Aesthetics, office equipment
Office Ergonomics: How to Address and Avoid Issues in the Workspace
Ergonomics is a recognized factor in employee health, productivity and workplace safety. Facilities that do not budget for and pay attention to ergonomics see employees with repetitive stress injuries, distracted from their work, and less than thrilled to be there.
Topics: Ergonomics, Motion Control, Design, office equipment
We’ve probably all experienced a stiff neck or a sore back from sitting all day, and it’s no fun. With proper ergonomics, however, such ailments can often be alleviated.
Good ergonomics in the workplace, will enhance employee comfort and increase productivity. Ergonomics is essentially the science of adapting a job or position to specifically fit the worker - and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has taken on a leading role in helping promote and advocate for such environments.
In this post, we'll take a closer look at OSHA's ergonomics guidelines for a healthy workplace:
Topics: Ergonomics, Motion Control, Safety, Testing & Prototyping, office equipment, OSHA
Mouse Design and Positioning: Avoid Repetitive Stress
Staff efficiency is improved when priority is given to ergonomics. For example, investing in an ergonomic keyboard means a typist can improve speed, cut back on mistakes and spend more time typing and less on breaks.
Topics: Ergonomics, Design, Engineering, Safety, office equipment