Choosing the right motion control solution can involve some tricky elements. When it’s time to understand the type of counterbalance or spring-assist hinge you need and the best way to move forward with the installation, it helps to have a visual guide as a resource. The Vectis pages provide both written content and videos that do everything from explaining how a Vectis hinge can be a better choice than a gas hinge to how to install and adjust the hinge solution you choose.
Vectis™ Technology: Counterbalance Motion Control Video Tutorials
Topics: Motion Control, Hinges, Industrial, Lid Support, Vectis
As a kid, you might have marveled at the flip-up bar countertop at your parents’ favorite restaurant. But a lot has changed since then, and bar lift gates have improved significantly.
Topics: Ergonomics, Design, Appliance, Counterbalance, Engineering, Hinge, Hinges, Lid Support, Manufacturing
While not always visible to the naked eye, custom heavy-duty hinges are hard at work in various industries every day.
Topics: Motion Control, Design, Hinges, Industrial, Lid Support
Why bother with chemistry and electronics when you can get great performance from sturdy, reliable mechanical motion control?
Topics: Counterbalances, Applications, Ergonomics, Motion Control, Design, Engineering, Hinges, Lid Support
5 Motion Control Hinge Solutions That'll Charm Your Customer
Product makers who want to take their design to another level have more motion control options than ever.
Your manufacturer can now apply hinge solutions in a variety of innovative ways, making your product easier to use and safer at the same time. The right hinge design can, among other things:
Topics: Counterbalances, Applications, Motion Control, Design, Appliance, Engineering, Grill, Hinges, Industrial, Lid Support
6 Types of Heavy-Duty Hinges & Where to Use Them in Commercial Designs
Today’s hinges make life much easier and more comfortable. We have progressed so far from just a plain, 'ol door hinge to advanced solutions for kinematic motion, mechanical spring counterbalance, and spring assist technologies.
Topics: Applications, Ergonomics, Motion Control, Design, Appliance, Counterbalance, Engineering, Grill, Hinge, Hinges, Industrial, Lid, Lid Support, Smoker, Aesthetics, Cost, Testing & Prototyping, kitchen, Manufacturing
When you’re dealing with heavy-duty hinges, the design can get complicated. But with motion control engineering, developing complex hinges isn’t an exhaustive task.
Topics: Applications, Motion Control, Lid Support, Vectis
Industrial Hinge Design Calculations: Door & Lid Torque
Complex hinge design is a staple of many high-end, high-performing products. The math required to make your lid, cover, or door work as advertised can be wildly different depending on your application.
Topics: Counterbalances, Motion Control, Design, Appliance, Center of Gravity, Engineering, Grill, Industrial, Lid Support, Smoker, Safety, kitchen
3 Types of Heavy-Duty Hinges: Essential Traits of Spring-Loaded Hinges
The most durable and versatile products can turn out to be intimidating to the user if the wrong type of heavy-duty hinges are used. Ask anyone that lifts heavy lids all day -- spring-assisted hinges are necessary for the safety and efficiency of your entire staff.
Topics: Motion Control, Gas Springs, Counterbalance Hinge, Hinges, Industrial, Lid Support, Springloaded, Vectis
How Counterbalance Hinges Add Innovation to Motion Control
Topics: Motion Control, Hinge, Hinges, Industrial, Lid, Lid Support, kitchen, Hospitality Furniture